Lathe and plaster with original wallpaper

Associate Heritage Surveyor


Michael Royalton-Kisch is an experienced Chartered Building Surveyor who has worked for over 12 years on heritage-based schemes, and in devising maintenance and management solutions for historic property owners and Local Government Contracts.

Experience includes developing conservation and refurbishment of landmark buildings such as council flagship buildings, churches and high-end residential properties.

Problem solving including designing change of use schemes which enhance the significant features of heritage assets whilst balancing the commercial objectives. Skilled at recognising typical defects and patterns of decay in buildings of different ages and devising sensitive yet practical repair and rehabilitation schemes. 

Michael has a genuine passion for working proactively with owners and Asset Custodians to promote best practice and awareness of their property, and in making most effective use of available funds for repair, reuse and regeneration.

Michael is a chartered Member of the RICS, Member of the Diocesan Advisory Committee for London Diocese and an approved Quinquennial Inspector

Castle internal arches


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