Managing Director

Paulette McAliister MD Joseph Hardy and Company
Miss Alice Surridge - Photographer

Paulette McAllister is founder and Director of Joseph Hardy & Company Limited; supporting public and private sectors in the delivery of quality across the built environment. 

Her specialist area of expertise focuses on Conservation led Regeneration, ensuring through a clear understanding of place, social, cultural and built heritage, schemes of all scales are well designed and shaped constructively to the benefit of communities.

Through her longstanding role supporting local government, she acts both as an external consultee for the Built & Historic Environment, including the assessment of major regeneration schemes, statutory listed buildings, conservation areas, urban design projects and as expert witness, alongside offering development strategy, this currently includes Strategic Housing Development of a Programme for an emerging portfolio of Zero Carbon Affordable homes; through her leadership she influences and manages the interplay of community, technical and operational teams and elected members; creating the narrative of Client Briefs for future Net Zero Carbon development, this includes selection and commissioning of architectural, specialist services and wider stakeholder resourcing alongside contributing to future delivery partnership opportunities.

Paulette has over 30 years’ experience in the Built Environment and a strong track record in delivery at pace. She is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, has co-authored Design Guides, SPDs, Local Plan Studies Conservation Area Appraisals and Management Plans; she is a member of the Essex Design Quality Review Panel. Academic studies include the impact of Coastal Erosion upon Heritage Assets.

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